British MPs vote overwhelmingly to reject Brexit deal

Credit to Author: cbibe| Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 22:18:49 +0000

British MPs vote overwhelmingly to reject Brexit deal

British lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to reject the Brexit deal struck between London and Brussels, in a vote that leaves Brexit hanging.

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Britain testing how motorways would handle ‘no-deal’ Brexit

Credit to Author: eestopace| Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2019 11:29:08 +0000

Britain testing how motorways would handle 'no-deal' Brexit

Britain is testing how its motorway and ferry system would handle a no-deal Brexit by sending a stream of trucks from a regional airport to the port of Dover.

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Two arrested over London airport drone chaos as flights resume

Credit to Author: lalos| Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2018 05:49:59 +0000

Two arrested over London airport drone chaos as flights resume

Two people were arrested in connection with the “criminal use of drones” at London Gatwick Airport, police said Saturday, after three days of disruption affected tens of thousands of passengers during the pre-Christmas getaway.

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UK court jails neo-Nazi couple who named child after Hitler

Credit to Author: kadraneda| Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 13:02:38 +0000

A British court on Tuesday sentenced a fanatical neo-Nazi couple, who named their baby son after Adolf Hitler, to prison.

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Russian ‘military intelligence’ behind Novichok attack, says UK’s May

Russian 'military intelligence' behind Novichok attack, says UK’s May

LONDON — The two people wanted for the Novichok poisoning were members of Russia’s “military intelligence service” acting on orders from the Russian state, British Prime Minister Theresa May said Wednesday.

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‘Chaotic’ Brexit would threaten European unity for a generation–UK

'Chaotic' Brexit would threaten European unity for a generation--UK

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Tuesday will once again warn that a Brexit with no deal between London and the European Union could threaten the continent’s unity for a generation, according to his office.

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