Reuniting Families: Canada’s Super Visa and Parents and Grandparents sponsorship options

Credit to Author: Baisakhi Roy| Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 19:07:19 +0000

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Canada offers several pathways for parents to unite with their children who live in the country, each with its unique features, eligibility criteria and benefits. Experts recommend that families thoroughly research their options to consider the best way forward.

Canadian citizens and permanent residents can invite their parents to visit Canada temporarily or to stay permanently. Two of the most popular routes are the Canadian Super Visa Program and the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program. While both programs aim to reunite families, they differ significantly in terms of duration, requirements, and outcomes.

The Super Visa Program is a temporary resident visa, allowing for long-term visits without providing a pathway to permanent residency or citizenship. On the other hand, the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program (PGP) offers permanent residency, potentially leading to citizenship, but involves a more rigorous application process with financial commitments. The Super Visa requires proof of Canadian private health insurance, whereas the sponsorship program mandates that the sponsor to meet income requirements and assume higher financial responsibility for the sponsored relatives.

The sponsorship program is more competitive as it is determined by a lottery system whereas the process to obtain a Super Visa is more straightforward. It allows extended stays, offering a unique combination of long-term visit flexibility and multiple entry possibilities.

Experts advise applicants to thoroughly research the various options available to them.

“Many people want to test out the Super Visa first and see how their parents are adapting to the Canadian way of living. Let’s say the parents have already visited a couple of times, they know they feel comfortable staying, then they would mostly opt for the sponsorship directly,” says Elina Grigoryan, founder and senior licensed immigration consultant at RightWay Canada Immigration Services.

Grigoryan stresses that financials are the deciding criteria. “For the PGP sponsorship they need to meet the income criteria for three consecutive years while for Super Visa is just for the past year. So, let’s say someone is a newcomer and they’ve been in Canada just for a year. Obviously, sponsorship is not an option so they would consider the Super Visa,”

The firm provides four distinct service packages keeping in mind their clients’ unique needs.

The ‘Full Package’ is for those who prefer to have the firm handle every aspect of the application process from start to finish. The ‘Do It Yourself package’, as the name suggests, is for those who are comfortable in completing the process by themselves. The firm offers some guidance in the form of expert advice and a personalized checklist. The ‘Peace of Mind’ package is designed for clients who have already prepared their application, but seek professional review before submission. And finally, the ‘Consultations’ package offers clients personalized advice and answers to their specific questions. This option allows clients to pay for consultations as needed, ensuring they receive targeted assistance without committing to a full-service package.

The firm provides all these services in person at their offices, over the phone and online.

Grigoryan advises applicants to avoid mistakes such as failing to disclose past application rejections and ensuring that all documentation is in order. “Make sure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, have any additional documents that are needed, be aware of the processing times, meet the financial requirements of either of these programs and obviously enlist the services of a reputed and licensed immigration consultant to guide you through the process,” she says.

Having parents migrate to Canada need not be a daunting experience. Choosing the right pathway for migration, ensuring that all eligibility criteria are met and hiring the right immigration consultants will make this process seamless and smooth.

The post Reuniting Families: Canada’s Super Visa and Parents and Grandparents sponsorship options first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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