Over 400 ‘unknown tracks’ detected in Philippine air zone

Credit to Author: Delon Porcalla| Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800

MANILA, Philippines —  More than 400 “unknown tracks” within the Philippines’ air defense identification zone have been detected, President Marcos said yesterday, crediting the country’s enhanced maritime domain awareness for their detection.

“We have increased our maritime domain awareness by regularly conducting maritime patrol missions (and) monitoring over 400 unknown tracks within the Philippine air defense identification zone,” Marcos said in a speech at the 77th anniversary celebration of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) in Pampanga.

Marcos did not elaborate on the “unknown tracks,” although he pointed out that assets such as additional aircraft and advanced radar systems have improved the country’s operational readiness as well as its operational reach.

Speaking during the PAF anniversary, Marcos said his administration has been supporting efforts to boost the military’s capabilities like acquiring additional air assets, enhancing cyber warfare communication systems and pursuing base development programs.

“Over the past year, we have made significant steps that complement and boost this administration’s vision for a stronger, more capable Air Force,” the President said.

“Indeed, these assets contribute to an agile Air Force – capable of protecting our nation, our people and our resources; and dedicated to (ensuring) that we are ready to face challenges with advanced precision, speed and force,” he said.

Marcos stressed a stronger Air Force and armed forces would serve as “an instrument for peace and for unity, a catalyst for nation-building and a vanguard of stability.”

He added that vigorous internal security operations resulted in the surrender and neutralization of over 250 members of local insurgency groups.

“We have also heightened our international defense and security engagements by sustaining our talks with our foreign military counterparts and participating in multiple bilateral and multilateral military exercises,” he said. “This is a testament to our stern resolve to contribute to the global peace and security.”

Marcos said Air Force personnel have been “exemplary” in their undertakings, especially in providing assistance to the needy and in conducting humanitarian and disaster response operations.

He thanked the PAF for “gallantly embodying the Filipinos’ enduring spirit of freedom.”

“As your commander-in-chief, I assure you of this administration’s support in prioritizing your welfare, ensuring that you are well attended to in terms of overall health and wellness so you may perform your duties effectively and safely,” he said. “Let it be known that your unparalleled dedication and noble duty to our nation are hereby recognized.”

During the event, which took place at the Basa Air Base, Marcos witnessed a live capability demonstration of the PAF’s territorial defense capabilities.

He also led the awarding of PAF personnel who displayed outstanding performance. He was given a brass eagle sculpture memento towards the end of the celebration.

The Air Force was established on July 1, 1947 through Executive Order No. 94.

Speaker Martin Romualdez, who was with the President at the event, assured military leaders of support for the AFP Modernization plan.

“We are committed to providing the necessary legislative support to ensure that the modernization programs and welfare initiatives for our AFP are fully funded and effectively implemented,” he said in a speech.

He said the House stands firmly behind the President’s vision for the armed forces.

“We will continue to work on policies that enhance our defense capabilities, improve the conditions of service for our soldiers and ensure that the Philippines remains safe and secure,” he said, assuring AFP that its programs are fully funded in the annual national budget.

Romualdez added that the Marcos administration “has been steadfast in its commitment to enhancing our country’s defense capabilities.”

“We recognize that in this ever-evolving world, our security apparatus must be dynamic, robust and forward-looking. The administration has thus embarked on a comprehensive modernization program aimed at upgrading our defense systems and ensuring that our armed forces are equipped with the latest technology and resources necessary to meet the challenges of the modern battlefield,” he pointed out.

He pointed out that such commitment is supported by substantial budget allocations for advanced aircraft, cutting-edge radar systems and state-of-the-art equipment.

“These advancements are not merely for show; they are essential tools that enable our air force to execute its mandate with greater efficiency and effectiveness. They are a testament to our unwavering resolve to safeguard our nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said.

He said the President and Congress are also looking after the welfare of members of the armed forces.

“Recognizing the immense sacrifices you make, the administration has implemented various programs aimed at improving your living conditions, providing comprehensive health care and ensuring that your families are well supported. These measures are in place to ensure that you can perform your duties with peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones are taken care of,” he said.

The House leader thanked the Air Force personnel for their “dedication, bravery and unwavering commitment to duty (that) are the pillars upon which our nation’s security stands.”

The Speaker also acknowledged the PAF’s participation in humanitarian and disaster response operations.

“Your swift and efficient actions during calamities have saved countless lives and provided critical support to communities in distress. These efforts highlight not only your versatility but also your deep commitment to serving the Filipino people in their times of greatest need,” he said.

“Rest assured, the administration and the Filipino people stand firmly behind you, ready to support and uplift you as you continue to protect and serve our country,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) has urged the government to exert greater effort to protect Filipino fishermen in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) against Chinese aggression.

In a statement dated June 30, the IBP said Filipino fishermen have “the legal right” to ply their trade within the 200-mile Philippine exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and that the government is “duty-bound to provide protection” to them.

“The IBP stands with the Filipino fishermen who are only exercising their right to a livelihood inside our own EEZ. The IBP also supports the legitimate stand of the Philippine government in asserting our country’s lawful and sovereign rights over the Philippine EEZ in the WPS,” it said.

The IBP noted that both the Philippines and China are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which in 1982 granted coastal states sovereign rights over their EEZ, extending up to 200 nautical miles from their baselines, which includes WPS.

The 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration based in The Hague invalidated China’s nine-dash line claim and reaffrmed the Philippines’ maritime entitlements.  – Pia Lee-Brago
