Sandigan convicts ex-OMB chair Ronnie Ricketts of graft

Credit to Author: kadraneda| Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 08:01:08 +0000

MANILA, Philippines — The Sandiganbayan has convicted former Optical Media Board (OMB) chairman Ronny Ricketts of graft in connection with the release of confiscated pirated movie discs in 2010.

The anti-graft court’s Fourth Division on Friday sentenced Ricketts to imprisonment of six to eight years, and perpetually disqualified him from holding public office.

Rickets, or Ronaldo Ricketts in real life, is a known Filipino action star and film producer.  He was appointed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to head OMB, replacing fellow actor Edu Manzano. /kga