Special audit on COVID-19 allowance funds sought

Credit to Author: Rhodina Villanueva| Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0800

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health has requested the Commission on Audit to conduct a special audit of previously released funds used for the payment of the Health Emergency Allowance (HEA) to ensure proper accounting of public expenditures.

In a statement, the DOH noted there were further appeals for additional funding to cover public health emergency benefits and allowances (PHEBA), which include the HEA.

“Despite the final and validated computation of HEA payments timely filed before the announced deadline, the DOH and the DBM (Department of Budget and Management) have received various appeals and additional requests for HEA payments from health facilities that were not covered by previous releases,” said the DOH.

As of Dec. 12, 2024, PHEBA requirements reportedly increased to P110.30 billion from the previously reported P103.5 billion.

“Thus, an additional funding requirement of P6.8 billion, in addition to the P121.325-billion cumulative funding provided for the benefits and compensation claims, is requested,” the DOH explained.
The department said the special audit would assist in validating and consolidating all requests and disbursements related to the HEA, adding that it will finalize the list of HEA recipients to resolve the longstanding issue.

The national government had previously authorized the grant of benefits and compensation to health care workers and non-HCWs who rendered service during the state of public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The DBM has allocated and released a total of P121.325 billion to the DOH, covering all eligible HCW and non-HCW claims from 2020 to 2023.

These funds covered the special risk allowance, HEA/One COVID-19 allowance, COVID-19 sickness allowance and death compensation, as well as other benefits such as meal, accommodation and transportation allowances.

During the Senate committee on health and demography’s public hearings on April 2 and May 20 last year, the DOH reiterated its request for an additional P27.453 billion, which it determined would be sufficient to fully cover the remaining PHEBA program requirements.

In response, on July 5, 2024, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman approved the release of a Special Allotment Release Order amounting to P27.453 billion to settle the supposed final computation of PHEBA arrears.


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