Canada Connects initiative creates welcoming communities

Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:28:38 +0000

A country of immigrants, we know that integration is a two-way street and we can all do our part to build welcoming communities.

Canada Connects initiative, funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and offered through several settlement agencies across the country, seeks to creates meaningful connections between newcomers, long-time Canadians, and established immigrants. The free program helps newcomers with the settlement process, and combat the isolation many face as they move to a new country. Canada Connects helps newcomers gain a sense of belonging and become fully engaged in the local community.

How to participate

Are you interested in helping newcomers integrate into the community? Depending on the time you have available, you can sign up to volunteer in several ways, ranging from providing information and mentorship, to organizing activities like picnics in the summer, or even inviting your new friends to your backyard BBQ for Canada Day.

As a newcomer or an immigrant, you have a lot to gain by signing up to the program through a settlement agency that is close to you. These connections can help you build your social networks, find your feet in your new home, learn about Canada, and offer other benefits like being able to learnĀ  practice your English skills, and ultimately, increase your sense of belonging.

Click here to enter your postal code to find a settlement agency close to you.

The post Canada Connects initiative creates welcoming communities first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.