Wingless angels

Credit to Author: Tempo Desk| Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 16:00:54 +0000


dza jullie yap daza - medium rare

GIVE until it hurts, was St. Mother Teresa’s advice. There’s another way, give because it gives your heart a lift. Most people give anonymously, but we also need to see famous people like Derek Ram­say and Piolo Pascual doing their share to inspire others by helping, donating, putting their shoulder to the wheel, bayanihan style.

Henry Lim Bon Liong, president of the biggest philanthropic organiza­tion in Metro Manila, the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, believes in speaking up “so we can do more.” Tony Pastor, Batangueño music lover and “godfather” to up-and-coming musicians, believes in the personal approach, i.e., extending a hand to a person in need, face to face. Angel Locsin, known for her behind-the-scene, out-of-camera-range deeds of charity, and Hans Sy, whose private side has become synonymous with his pet charity, ChildHaus for children with cancer, were the Philippines’ 2019 Heroes of Philanthropy as chosen by Forbes magazine. The two are public fig­ures, but when it comes to acting out their compassion, they’d rather be anonymous. (Hans’ partner, the easily recognizable Ricky Reyes, is now in the habit of receiving do­nations from unnamed donors for ChildHaus.)

Taal volcano’s episodic, virulent behavior has displaced thousands upon thousands, causing massive suffering, anxiety, disruption and inconvenience, but it has brought out the best in some of us, such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treat­ment of Animals), proving once more that the kindness of strangers is not as strange as we think.

Today, the day after thank-God-it’s-Friday, a multimillionaire bach­elor is setting out for Batangas with his