Brian Minter: Plants to please the millennials on your gift list
Credit to Author: Aleesha Harris| Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 19:05:36 +0000
Now would be a good time to panic if you haven’t yet found just the right gift for all your close circle of friends and family. If some of these folks are millennials, the best gift for them may very well be a plant … but not any old plant.
It must be one that’s special to them.
Millennials have become some of the most impactful plant consumers. Aware of all the benefits plants bring, they are very specific about what they want in their homes. They understand that plants are not just objects but living entities that need nurturing, attention and appreciation.
Millennial desire to source new and unique plants has really pushed North American growers to expand the diversity of their production. There’s a rush to boost the propagation of new plants, and this is a good thing. Today’s selection of plants is growing like never before.
One of the first folks to pick up on this trend was Flora Grubb in San Francisco. She owns a plant shop that’s often way before its time. Grubb was on this trend before it was a trend. She plugged into it by “creatively cramming air plants into attractive glassware”.
Grubb and her team designed stunning, easy-care “air gardens” that featured driftwood and plant roots all enclosed in glass. Millennials loved them. Air plants (tillandsias) are still hot today, and the more unusual they are, the better. It’s no longer surprising to see clear glass balls with living air plants inside hanging from a Christmas tree.
Indoor cactus and succulents are still very popular. One highly desirable succulent is the dolphin plant (Senecio peregrinus), which looks like a pod of tiny leaping dolphins.
Hardy, spiky haworthia, with its white speckles, is another special plant that is remarkably resilient at this low light time of year. There’s a lot of interest in Haworthia ‘Barcelona’ and H. ‘Concolor’. Gasterias, looking a little stubbier, have similar qualities and a uniqueness all their own.
Native to South Africa and the islands of the Indian Ocean, a member of the aloe family is a must-have. Aloe vera is the most popular by far because it has both decorative and pharmaceutical uses. There are many other beautiful varieties, but only Aloe vera has diverse medicinal properties.
The interest in crassulas is huge. Jade plant is the best-known variety, but there are many others that don’t look anything like a jade plant. The crassula known as “horn tree”, is becoming quite popular — each of its tips opens to look like a horn. All crassulas stand up well indoors at this dark time of year, especially if they sit near a window.
Our grandmothers all grew them, and sansevierias are back in style again. The most in-demand varieties, such as Sansevieria cylindrica, with its many variations from pencil-thin, round stems to ones that are 5 cm thick, are like nothing you’ve seen before. They’re easy to grow, and once established, they readily send new shoots up from the bottom. Sansevieria ‘Whale Fin’, a hard-to-find variety, has dark green, 30 to 40-cm-wide foliage, and look like a whale’s fin.
Hoya carnosa continues to be a traditional favourite because of its long vines and clusters of highly perfumed flowers. Today, however, many millennials are looking for H. ‘Krinkle Kurl’, often known as the Hindu rope plant because of its tightly spaced, rounded leaves.
Frequently called the ZZ plant, Zamioculcas zamiifolia is really a short, compact cycad and usually has 13 pairs of oval leaflets. It actually looks like a leathery fern. With its bulbous trunk almost completely buried, it is kind of cool looking.
Who knew a simple, round leafed Pilea peperomioides would cause such a stir? When these easy-to-grow plants first came out, a bit of a frenzy ensued. During the initial release, small potted plants were selling for $50 or more. Today, while the demand is still strong, the price is less than $5.
Bird’s-nest ferns (Asplenium nidus) have always been popular because of their long, lime green fronds, which can grow up to one metre. ‘Crispy Wave’ is a new, much more compact variety with somewhat serrated foliage. Smaller in size, they are usually found in five- or 10-cm pots. Placed near a north or east window, they are easy to grow.
The fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is an overwhelming favourite with today’s millennials. Able to grow up to the ceiling, they need to have their growing tips pinched back when young to allow for a fuller branching habit. As a ficus, they need high indirect light for the best performance. For smaller growing spaces, they now come in 10- and 20-cm pots, making them far more versatile in terms of location. A newer, smaller leafed variety, called F.l ‘Audrey’, is much easier to grow.
The swiss cheese plant (Monstera ‘Friedrichsthalii’) is currently another must-have indoor jewel. It looks like a small leafed philodendron but is laced with tiny, see-through holes. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma — a similar gem — is a very small, so-called mini split leaf.
If you have a millennial plant lover on your gift list, this is just a sampling of plants that I’m sure they would love to add to their collection.
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