Sustainable system?

Credit to Author: Tempo Desk| Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 09:31:20 +0000


erik espina special report

SHEN Yung captured the great dilemma applicable to communist governments faced with the inevitable peril of loosening ideological restrictions on the “means of production”, permitting private, albeit, limited enterprise and capitalism. So unlike traditional applications of totalitarian collectivism, as the cornerstone of socialism. Regimented welfare of the so-called masses arrayed against personal good and initiative. Iron fist application of equality in this world of ideal materialism, examined in the prism of communist experience, however, exposes the supremacy of deified mortals, a politburo, party officials etc. The political elite, controlling all political, social, cultural, economic governance and activity. The proverbial chosen few, “elected” by the very party that kills democracy and popular will. Hence, the power of the Central Committee, the party, is absolute. Threats to official political norm, requires state repression for survival — imprisonment, executions, disappearance, tanks bulldozing lady liberty. Membership in the party, is the best guarantee for advantage over a homogenized working class in every-day living. Communism that rejects Western trade and capitalism, will experience the economic slippery slope. However, permitting limited capitalism, encounters Shen Yung’s “Bird Cage” economy. How large must the captive bird be allowed to grow, given economic freedoms? And relative cage restrictions, zealously guarded by communist rule? When is prosperity, a threat? Leverage for political and constitutional rights? Collateral burdens like government assurances of continuous production and employment amidst slowing economic indicators? Rising debts? Impoverished countryside? Annual protests in the hundreds of thousand? Challenges and marches from autonomous regions flirting with self-determination? Nationalities revolting vs. a state sponsored ethnic majority, encouraged to migrate and subjugate them? Detention centers for an entire Muslim population for re- education? Plus, destruction of several Mosques? Can such party system, sustain itself for long?