Brace Yourself for Cardi B’s ‘Bocktail’ Empire
Credit to Author: Bettina Makalintal| Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 15:52:06 +0000
Cardi B might be making a play for television, and she’s doing it through “bocktails.” The rapper has filed legal documents trademarking the phrase “Bocktails with Cardi B,” TMZ has reported. Cardi B is planning to use the phrase for “ongoing episodes for distribution via television and the Internet featuring celebrities and artists,” according to the registration, which was filed on Friday.
There’s not a lot of information yet about what the show might entail, but we can only hope that it involves Cardi B cracking open a cold one with celebrities. Move over, James Corden, because that would be one late night show actually worth staying up until 12:35 a.m. for.
The timing on all of this isn’t clear either, but it looks like Cardi B hopes to extend the Bocktail Empire beyond television. The current trademark filing also extends to merch including caps, footwear, and skirts; and “alcoholic beverages, except beer and beverages containing beer.” The latter constraint may have to do with the fact that, as far back as 2011, “bocktail” has been used by some in the cocktail community to refer to cocktails made with beer.
That said, a trademark filing from late February appears to have been filed by the same company that filed for “Bocktails with Cardi B”: Washpoppin, Inc. That one’s for the use of “bocktails” in the broader category of “alcoholic beverages.” In any case, we’ll sip whatever she’s pouring.
This article originally appeared on VICE US.