Forgive and be forgiven

Credit to Author: Tempo Desk| Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 16:10:11 +0000



ben san luis - word alive

A HUSBAND, who broke up with his wife, writes: “Dear Mari­etta… Words cannot express my deepest regret at having broken our marriage. Your absence leaves a void which no one else can fill. Please let’s start all over again. Signed: Your ever loving and for­giving Johnny.”

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A postscript (P.S.) follows: “Con­gratulations! I heard you won P20 million in the lotto.” It’s not too dif­ficult to discern the real motive be­hind the forgiving words of Johnny. But if it could be the start of recon­ciliation, why not?

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In this Sunday gospel (Lk 6, 27-38), Jesus teaches us, “Love your enemies and pray for your persecu­tors.”

How in the world can you “love” someone who has abused your daughter or injured your brother, or a husband who’s unfaithful? How can you pray for someone who keeps on backbiting you or has damaged your reputation?

Difficult, right? But this is precise­ly what Christ firmly upholds.

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The story of David (in the first reading) illustrates this point. Saul hated the much-admired David; he had become insanely jealous of him. He pursued him to get rid of him.

When David had the opportunity to assassinate Saul who was asleep together with his soldiers, he re­fused to do so despite the prod­ding of Abishai, his right-hand man. Such was David’s noble heart.

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Forgiveness does not come easily or naturally. Retribution or getting even is the more common response to wrongdoings.

But as the charismatic leader and advocate of non-violence Mahatma Gandhi once commented on Jesus’ words, “If we live by an ‘eye for an eye’ or a ‘tooth for a tooth’ kind of justice, we would all be blind or toothless today!”

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When Christ said, “Love your en­emies and do good to those who hate you,” he was not asking us to have nice feelings towards our en­emies. He is saying that we should not wish evil to befall on him or take revenge.

To love a person is not necessar­ily to like him. Loving involves will­ing; liking involves feeling.

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When we seek revenge, nobody wins. Vengeance never evens the score. It induces the injured and injurer to an endless cycle of retali­ation.

But isn’t Jesus’ teaching of non-retaliation to evil condoning evil? Some say, “If you are always for­giving, the culprit will abuse your kindness. In response, forgiveness does not mean that we let criminals go free or that we leave society at their mercy.

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Christian forgiveness lets justice take its course. Recall that when Pope John Paul II had forgiven Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish who had attempted to assassinate him on May 13, 1981, Agca was impris­oned for many years to atone for his crime. So you can forgive and love an enemy, but justice is still served.

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GOD’S FORGIVENESS HAS CON­DITION. Is there someone whom you find hard to forgive? Or with whom you’re not in talking terms with for months and years?

We have to follow Christ’s teach­ing of forgiveness otherwise we cannot consider ourselves as true Christians.

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I had always thought that God’s forgiveness was unconditional until I came across his words that there’s, indeed, a condition. Listen to this, “If you do not forgive your brothers’ their offences, your heavenly Father will not forgive you either.” (Mat­thew 6,15).

Hence, forgive and be forgiven.

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FREE CHEMOTHERAPY C/O DOH. Here’s an opportunity to avail of the free chemotherapy treatment for Breast and Colon cancer, Stage I-III.

Look for Dr. Katherine V. Her­nandez, Tumor Clinic, East Avenue Medical Center, available every Tuesday at 9am-2pm. You may call her at CP 0927-3529727 or e-mail at

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FAMILY TV MASS – aired on IBC 13 (channel 15 cable) at 7-8 a.m. every Sunday; also on international GMA Pinoy TV. Sponsor: CEU, MEN­DIOLA MANILA. Priest presider: FR. ALDE BUREROS, SSS.

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The FAMILY that prays together stays together.