Erap orders Baywalk clearing in support of Manila Bay revival
Credit to Author: Tempo Desk| Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 10:15:34 +0000

A FEMALE informal settler is taken off Baywalk on Roxas Boulevard in Manila by social workers and Metropolitan Manila Development Authority personnel during a clearing operation in preparation for the rehabilitation of Manila Bay. (Ali Vicoy)
Manila Mayor Joseph “Erap” E. Estrada has ordered the conduct of clearing operations on Baywalk in support of the national government’s plan to revive Manila Bay, which is known for scenic sunset view.
“Full cooperation and assistance of the city will be extended to the national government in clearing the Baywalk from vendors and obstruction that may hamper the plan of President Duterte,” he said.
Estrada reminded the city contingents to exercise maximum tolerance especially that the operation is seen to intensify in the coming days as rehabilitation will start on Jan. 27.
“I am instructing them to fully observe the proper way of dealing with the vendors or obstructions without resorting to violence and destruction of their goods,” Estrada said.
Some informal settlers were rescued in the area by the Manila Task Force Clean Up, City Security Force, and Manila Department of Social Welfare, with the help of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.
The Department of Public Services continued its regular cleanup of the Manila Bay shoreline.
Fewer wastes have been collected compared in the past where the waters turned into a sea of garbage especially during bad weather.
A group of vendors on Baywalk have posted signs reminding strollers not to throw their trash in the area. (Ria Fernandez)