Part 1: Communication is a skill

In this new exclusive 10-part webcast series for Canadian Immigrant, Iranian-born Iman Aghay offers his strategies for immigrant success.

Who is Aghay? He is a marketing and business expert, founder of Success Road Academy, one of the largest information marketing training centres in the world and the largest in Canada, co-founder of Vancouver Business Network Meetup group, and an RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant (2013).  But he came to Canada with no English skills and no connections. His tips and advice will show any newcomer that success in Canada can be achieved.

Iman Aghay’s Strategies for Immigrant Success

Part 1: Communication is a skill

Part 2: Dos and don’ts of small talk

Part 3:   Overcoming the fear of rejection

Part 4:  Get comfortable in your new environment

Part 5: How to handle information interviews

Part 6:  Build your credibility and do what it takes

Part 7:  Build your credit history

Part 8:  Focus on companies you want to work for

Part 9:  Network at industry-specific events

Part 10: Develop your soft skills while working at simpler jobs